The Quality and Environmental Policy
- To achieve total quality service by harnessing every employee's commitment towards providing customer satisfaction.
- Committed to manage and where practical, mitigate the significant environmental aspects and impacts by preventing pollution to the air, water and land.
- Committed to comply to environmental legal and other requirements.
- To constantly seek new ways of enhancing the quality of the products and application ahead of customers' need, backed by most modern and technologically advanced production process.
- Consistently upgrading our facilities and processes for increase our competitiveness and productivity in meeting with global standards and challenge.
- To continually improve our Human Resources Development program for the organization personnel to increase in skills, knowledge and morale in performing their task.
- To continually improve our environmental performance by constantly achieving and reviewing our environmental objectives and targets.
- To maintain and sustain our Quality and Environmental Management System effectiveness through proper procedures, careful planning, effective implementation, constant monitoring and evaluation.
The Quality And Environmental Objectives
We are committed to achieve the following quality objectives:
- Sales and Marketing
- 85% on time delivery for all customer deliverables.
- 80% in Customer Satisfaction Index.
- 2% feedback/complaint (number of complaints/total deliverables).
- Production Department
- To reduce unplanned machine breakdown's by 10%.
- To achieve the forecasted Sales and Production quantities.
- To control Scheduled Wastes generation.
- QA/QC Department
- 2% rejection rate on deliverables (number of rejects/total deliverables).
- To ensure materials and sub-materials are RoHS compliance - Refer to Environmental Management Programme's Objective Target.
- Purchasing/Procurement Department
- 10% reduction on material rejection rate.
- Human Resource/Administration Department
- To ensure all employees who are related to Quality Management System and Environmental Management System be trained for not less than 8 hours in a calendar year.
- To ensure Zero Industrial Accident by giving continuous safety and health training.